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Pantzlaff Hopes to Bounce Back After Leg Injury

[caption id="attachment_102" align="aligncenter" width="723"]Zac Pantzlaff Zac Pantzlaff looks to bounce back for a strong senior season after breaking his fibula early in his junior season.
Groehler to Compete Nationally..Again
[caption id="attachment_89" align="aligncenter" width="640"]mason Mandatory Credit: White Lights Weightlifting[/caption]By Alex Strouf, The Denmark News Dave Gremore has coached weightlifting for 44 years.
"No-Brainer" Inducting Umentum Brothers into Circle Tap Hall of Fame
DSCN0704By Alex Strouf, The Denmark NewsA lot goes into planning one of the most competitive fastpitch softball tournaments in the Nation, and Circle Tap owner Darren Derricks will tell you that himself.Featuring teams from Wisconsin, Cali
Meet Denmark's Four-Headed Monster
DenmarkBy Alex Strouf, The Denmark NewsDENMARK--They’ve been referred to as the best group in the state. The powerhouses of division two. The guys you don’t want to face if they’re having fun in the dugout.
Boy's, Girl's Basketball Teams have Strong Seasons
[caption id="attachment_58" align="aligncenter" width="534"]Denmark bball Mandatory Credit: Ron LeCloux/Kewaunee County Star-News[/caption]By Alex Strouf, The Denmark NewsStarting with boy's basketball, the team began the Cody Stelmach era this seas
Bergelin Wins State
RkG2FveoBy Alex Strouf, The Denmark NewsThe 22 year drought is over.
Girl's top Roncalli, Advance to Sectionals
IMG_9142By Alex Strouf, The Denmark News Just an hour following Brock Bergelin's wrestling state title, the Denmark girl's varsity basketball team was in action--Regional finals action.Following a 59 point route of Sturgeon Bay and a 10 point roll
Bill Miller to be Inducted into WBCA Hall of Fame
By Alex Strouf, The Denmark NewsMIDDLETON, Wis.--Being involved in all aspects of baseball in the community. 339 wins. 23 years and counting at the helm of the varsity baseball team. Seven conference titles. Seven Regional titles. Two WIAA State appearances.
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