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What will Denmark look like in 20 years? Village’s growth will be near pivotal interstate

By: Chris C. Nelson

There’s an old saying that goes, “All small towns can’t stay small forever.” That seems inevitable for our humble village.

Storm Stories #3: New Denmark tornado that spun on a clear fall day

By: Chris Nelson

What’s the next BIG RETAIL STORE to close?

Are we close to losing our brick and mortar shops?

By: Chris Nelson, Publisher and Owner

TV Anchor’s suicide brings awareness to mental health issues in the TV news industry

By: Chris Nelson

Local news is an important part of any community. Local television news brings another form of intimacy to each story. For the viewer, it’s a connection to a personality and a face. What they see on television each day can often be just a small part of the anchor person or reporter’s story. The camera doesn’t show it all.

Storm Stories #2 - June 7, 2007: NE Wisconsin's Only High Risk Tornado Day

By: Chris Nelson

My journey to becoming a meteorologist hasn’t been a straight path. Over the course of the years, I worked other jobs, but always found myself with my eyes to the sky. June 7th, 2007, was one of those days.

Why a digital subscription is the new in newspapers

By: Chris Nelson

Denmark News. Digital edition. What’s the buzz? Why does The Denmark News offer a digital subscription? There are a lot of reasons.

The arrival of the internet and social media has helped mold and revolutionize the new age in media. You don’t have to like it. But allow me to explain why you may want to buy into it.

Storm Stories #1 - The Tornado that piqued my interest: Denmark Twister of 1994.

By: Chris Nelson

I was 9 years old. I was about to enter the fifth grade. When I woke up that summer morning, I was among those in the extreme southern end of Brown County and northern Manitowoc County that had no idea what the day had in store.

Newspapers won't die, large conglomerates will

By: Chris Nelson, Publisher

Newspapers are not dying. Despite what you’ve heard. Despite what you’ve seen. Despite what you’ve read. 

The real story here? The large newspaper companies won’t survive. Your hometown paper? That’s a different story. 

The main reason I am drawn to the newspaper business is because I am drawn to small towns. I am passionate about community and I love the connection a publication creates in cities of all sizes.

August is Rudeneja

August is Rudeneja

By: Chris Nelson

My invisible leash: toughest part about having a pet is saying goodbye
“Toby, get out of the garbage. Don’t you snap at me! T is for Toby! It’s good enough for me!” Pets. Dogs. Man’s best friend. Unfortunately, despite the joy they bring us, our canine’s lives just aren’t long enough. I had to send my dog, Toby Twister Nelson, to heaven last week due to an aggressive cancer in his ribs and lungs. The disease was causing major breathing difficulties. He just turned 11 the day before. It was way too early. I cried. I cried when I didn’t think I could cry anymore.
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