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DES 3rd Grade Christmas Show

On Thursday, November 30, the Performing Arts Center at Denmark High School was transformed into a winter wonderland for a one-of-a-kind performance. That night, the Denmark Elementary School 3rd Graders presented their annual Christmas pageant to wide acclaim from family, friends and critics alike.

Joanna Guza among WFBF's 35 under 35

Last week, Denmark’s own Joanna Guza was officially named one of the top young agricultural leaders in the state of Wisconsin. This year, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation (WFBF) announced Guza among the finalists for their annual “35 Under 35” award contest, acknowledging young individuals in Wisconsin who go above and beyond for local agriculture. 

FFA Movie with Santa

Following the tasty and fun breakfast in Maribel (see page 1), Santa Claus had one more stop in the Denmark area before making his way back to the North Pole. After eating and visiting with children in Maribel, he was off to the Village of Denmark for the yearly FFA Movie with Santa at Denmark High School.

Maribel Breakfast with Santa

Last weekend, the community welcomed a very important visitor –none other than the one and only Santa Claus. Saturday morning, area youngsters and their families had multiple opportunities to visit with the big man himself and negotiate the amount and type of presents they should receive based on their behavior. Kris Kringle was kind enough to stop by two area events during his busiest time of year.

Sting Cancer Chemo-Bags

This month, students and staff at Denmark High School are facilitating a unique donation collection aimed at helping people through one of the most difficult experiences. Throughout December, Denmark Sting Cancer will be collecting items and assembling them into "chemo-bag" care packages for patients receiving chemotherapy cancer treatments.

New bar in town

Last month, the small community of Maribel gained a new exciting business in the heart of its downtown. The tavern, located next to Maribel Grain, has a new proprietor and is open for business. The new bar, Annsanity & Son, is now serving drinks with a full menu to soon follow.

LOCAL EATS - DD's Saloon

This week, we are reintroducing our monthly "Local Eats'' column highlighting the top dining establishments in the Denmark area and sharing with readers what they offer and what makes them special. This month, for the feature’s return, we selected DD's Saloon in the heart of downtown Denmark.

Tisch Mills Jingle & Mingle 2023

Last Saturday, the normally quiet and serene community of Tisch Mills was transformed into a hustling and bustling holiday wonderland for all to take in and enjoy. That day, hundreds upon hundreds of holiday shoppers descended on the small town for the third annual "Jingle & Mingle" event which featured an endless tidal wave of Christmas goods spread across eight venues.

FFA Toy Show

Last Sunday, at the same time the Denmark Lions Club Poinsettia Sale was taking place in the new gymnasium at Denmark High School, another exciting sale was taking place across the school in the original gym. There, the Denmark FFA was hosting their first ever Farm Toy, Railroad and Vendor Show featuring a vast array of toys and collectables for shoppers of all ages to enjoy.

Holiday Happenings in Denmark

If last Sunday's Denmark Lions Club Poinsettia Sale and FFA Toy Show at Denmark High School were not enough to put the whole community in the Christmas spirit, a number of local businesses had even more in store for holiday seekers.

49th Annual Denmark Lions Poinsettia Sale

On Sunday, November 26, the Denmark Lions Club hosted an annual event that, for many, has become the traditional holiday kick-off year after year. That day, the organization hosted their 49th Annual Poinsettia Sale in the large gymnasium and atrium at Denmark High School. The yearly sale is both a great fundraiser for the club as well as a way to spread some Christmas cheer throughout the community.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner returns

This Thanksgiving saw the much-anticipated return of a beloved and thoughtful event to the Denmark community. Last Thursday morning, one and all were invited to the cafeteria at Denmark High School for a free holiday feast for everyone to enjoy.

New roads open in Denmark

One of the few positive effects of the weather getting steadily colder is the end of most road construction projects throughout the reading area. All over, the dreaded barricades and orange barrels are disappearing and newly repaired or rebuilt roads are opening for motorists.

Maribel November Meeting

On Monday, November 13, the Maribel Village Board held their monthly meeting in their Community Center in the Village park. After the call to order by President Dan Fels, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Roll Call that showed all members in attendance, the board unanimously approved the evening's agenda as well as last month's minutes, the Treasurer's Report and the vouchers for November.

Cooperstown November Meeting

Last Tuesday, the Town of Cooperstown held their monthly board meeting at their Town Hall in Rosecrans. Prior to the regular monthly meeting, the board hosted a series of procedural hearings and special meetings. First, at 6:30 p.m., they convened a Public Hearing relating to their proposed hauling and weight limit permits.

November School Board Meeting

On Monday, November 13, the School District of Denmark held their monthly board meeting in the Media Center of the High School.

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